You can pay for your stay by credit card or cash. If paying with cash, you will still need to provide a valid credit card at check-in that will be authorized for incidental charges. If paying by credit card, your credit card that was used to reserve the room will be authorized for the entire amount of your stay. This authorization will be processed by 4 p.m. the day of check-in. Please let the desk clerk know at check-in if you plan on paying for your stay with anything other than the credit card you used to reserve the room.
Please Note: If you’re paying with a debit card, you will see a “pending” charge after check-in for your entire stay plus incidentals. After check-out, you will see a second charge for your entire stay only. The initial “pending” charge will stay on your debit card for up to 15 days after check-out. This cannot be avoided when using a debit card, which is why we discourage our guests from using a debit card whenever possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience, however, checks are no longer accepted.